Category Archives: Politics

Lions led by sheep…!

Ekow Mensah on Entrepreneurship

Ekow Mensah on Entrepreneurship

Its sickening the way politicians find a way to politicize everything. It’s sad how they forget to be leaders but rather set themselves up like robots ready to engage in battle of words and supremacy. Until we learn to be discerning and wise, setting our priorities right, taking responsibility, being accountable and addressing issues dispassionately…this dear country of ours will be but without the hope of making it anywhere great.

With faith, some of us will make it no matter the deplorable state of Ghana’s economy but it’s truly not all about us. Majority of Ghanaians are going through tough times, businesses especially small businesses are struggling, entrepreneurs are desperate, students are clueless, the youth are getting agitated, parents are getting frustrated, girls are being exploited, workers are disheartened…Ghana, my motherland, a land of Gold, Silver, Diamond, Oil, Cocoa, Land, Water, Passion, Freedom, Love, Hospitality (mostly to strangers and foreigners though). Ghana, a country with so much water, yet its citizens are dying of thirst. Ghana, a country with so much food, yet its citizens are dying of hunger…it’s sad.

My name is Ekow Mensah and I am a proud Ghanaian. I am a lion and even though I feel I am being led by sheep, I shall do my very best to give hope to the other lions following me, to ensure that in my own big way I will leave my corner of Ghana & indeed Africa far better than I met it. To my fellow lions, find your path and dominate it. Politicians may choose to always be politicians and work just to win vote and secure their next opportunity to serve themselves but you have what it takes to be Africa’s next Economic Giant and they will come seeking your wisdom, direction and support. The era of “POLIPRENEURS” is drawing near and be sure to catch the train. Remember Proverbs 29:2 – “When the godly are in authority, the people rejoice. But when the wicked are in power, they groan”. I rest my case but not my purpose.


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My thoughts about Ghana’s Elections 2012

Honestly what is Peace without Justice. The EC has the responsibility of ensuring and upholding the ultimate transparency of the electoral process. We are dealing with numbers here and with the introduction of the biometric system, this transparency should be easier to see. Ghanaians not just NPP should be in the know of every detail of the electoral process. As independent as the EC may be, it is not above the law and for the sake of posterity and peace, I think that we all need to know every detail of the process to ensure fairness, justice and peace. If the winning party truly won as was announced, I don’t see the pursuit of Justice as a reason for war or chaos. If truly they won, at the end it will show and nothing will change. What we need to be careful of though is making this whole pursuit of justice look as though NPP is a sore loser and they are in denial. Remember, EC is not a robot or a machine, it is run by humans and they can make mistakes. Even if EC was a Robot or Machine, it could break down and if it broke down at some point, Ghanaians deserve to know. There is no peace without Justice and if Ghana’s democracy is as formidable and admirable as it is perceived to be, then this is a test we need to pass!


Youth…it’s time to take the BULL (Politics) by the HORNS!!!

It’s about time that we the youth and so called ‘future leaders’ stopped ‘dreaming’, wishing, speculating and hoping that political leadership will be handed down to us on sliver platter…looking at the pattern, esp. in Ghana and the ‘old’ people involved in politics now, there is little guarantee that things will change much even in the next 10 years. We are likely to see the same old faces; now in their 50s, 60s and 70s but still actively involved in politics. It will take a collective effort by all youth to make the significant impact that will gain us the confidence of the mass voters who are actually the king makers…the present political parties and ‘government’ DON’T have any power to control our destinies as youth…we are governed by laws and privileged by voters…we need to put in maximum effort to make remarkable and grass-root recognizable impacts in our society – starting now! New Media is incredible and has the power to reach quite a considerable number of intellectuals but trust me; we make very little impact in the society if our presence and initiatives are predominantly featured only here. We need to collectively start a massive campaign in the communities if we have any dream of leading our dear nations someday…tsobooi…all aboard!