Tag Archives: Africa

When Africans Thrive, Africa Thrives!

Ekow MensahI just finished watching this video by Mallence Bart-Williams at Tedx Berlin and it’s made me sad and mad all over again because what she said has been said before but the awakening is overwhelming indeed. WHEN WILL AFRICA BE TRULY LIBERATED AND FREE TO MAKE FULL USE OF THE VAST RESOURCES WE ARE BLESSED WITH? That’s the big question on my mind. If someone should ask me this question, I honestly will not know the answer to give because it doesn’t look like Africa will ever be liberated.

We have played the victim for so long complaining about the west stealing our natural resources and using it to build their formidable economies but even with all the education and advancement, the exploitation is still ongoing. Whenever it looks like Africa is finding it’s feet, from nowhere, we start experiencing massive setbacks through incurable epidemics, civil wars and terrorists attacks which receive so much publicity and in-depth analysis more than any indigenous breakthroughs we have ever had in Africa.

It gladdens my heart that Africans are going to school, some to the highest levels but most of us are not learning. We do not learn to appreciate our beauty so we massively patronize ‘foreign’ products to look widely acceptable. We do not learn to appreciate our potentials so we look around to see what’s been done and we replicate and duplicate killing our ingenuity and innovation. We do not learn to value our own so we patronize foreign goods and ridicule our very own. We do not learn to appreciate our countryman so we are much nicer to foreigners as a result we are called hospitable.

It’s sad indeed that the biggest dream of some Africans is still to travel to the west in search of greener pastures in countries where snow is over a meter think. Even the so called impact drivers derive so much fulfillment from being invited to foreign conferences and talk shops and their joy is overwhelming when they get signed up on foreign and presidential mentorship and fellowship programs. Our greatest achievements come when we get featured on foreign media especially the ones with double alphabets in their acronyms. I wonder when we are going to have Young European and American Leaders Network being hosted by any of our African Presidents.

The young and the old alike start social impact initiatives and their number one goal is to position their organizations to attract foreign donor aids so they put out horrible images and content of a dilapidating state of Africa just to be ‘pitied’ and funded. I have nothing wrong with building global businesses and competing on a global scale but do we have to end up in the valley to be on top of the mountain. Young entrepreneurs are practically begging for peanuts for innovations worth billions only because we are Africans and we do not even know our worth.

They have and continue to deplete our natural resources but now their focus is on our intellectual resources, our most valuable capital; our human capital! Our minds are being strategically set to be heavily dependent on the west, to be like the west in our bid to be global villagers with a western dialect and swag. It’s true; technology is making the world smaller by the day but daily we relinquish our power as a people and soon we will have no authentic identity.

Writing this will not be necessary if all the aid, help, support, alliances, affiliations and partnerships we so desperately seek constantly from the west was helping advance our economies as rapidly as theirs or as required. They say we are not as old as them so we shouldn’t compare ourselves to them but I have not seen a child of wealthy and supportive parents making it at the same pace as their parents did, at worse, the child makes it multiple times faster because of the support from their parents unless the child is sabotaging themselves or is being consciously sabotaged by their parents.

While we occupy, demonstrate and chant with loud voices and long writeups, deals that will negatively affect generations are being made behind closed doors. Africa they say is for Africans and it’s prosperity and success will be by Africans…really? I will choose to remain ‘unpopular’ and ‘controversial’ as long as I do not go to bed praying for some foreigners’ approval or acceptance. It is ok if my impact remains small as long as I can boast of not showing any ‘follower’ of mine that the way to impact or make it in life or in business is to be dependent on aid, grants and foreign approval.

Let’s support our own and help push one another forward. It is only through that that we can be truly free and liberated as Africans. When Africans thrive, Africa thrives. ‪#‎EkowMensah‬ ‪#‎IgnitingDreams‬‪#‎YourDreamsMatter‬ ‪#‎NeverGiveUp‬ ‪#‎AfricaNeedsYou‬


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Igniting Dreams – Ekow Mensah’s theme for 2016

Ekow MensahThe Impact theme for Ekow Mensah in 2016 is IGNITING DREAMS. Join me on my journey to inspire millions to dream big and to pursue their dreams relentlessly.

I aim to empower people to know that their dreams matter, to help them to keep pushing and to encourage them to never to give up on their dreams!

Like my page or follow my on twitter with handle @ekowmensah or instagram @officialekowmensah.‪#‎EkowMensah‬ ‪#‎EM2016‬ ‪#‎IgnitingDreams‬ #‎NeverGiveUp‬‪#‎YourDreamsMatter‬



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Official Launch of WomanRising

WomanRisingThe African Network of Entrepreneurs (TANOE); a social enterprise headquartered in Ghana is proud to announce the Official Launch of its flagship Project; WomanRising scheduled to come off on Saturday, the 3rd of October, 2015 at 3pm at the UDS Guest House adjacent the Police Headquarters, Accra, Ghana. The Launch will be preceded by an Exhibition of businesses, products and services by some members of WomanRising from 9am at the same venue stated above.

After 6 years of its existence and over 10,000 people impacted through its programs and initiatives with less than 25% being women; TANOE has found it needful to focus more attention on the development and advancement of women especially women entrepreneurs and upwardly-mobile professional women. By the establishment of WomanRising; TANOE seeks to provide personalized and result-oriented support and solutions to women in their pursuit of entrepreneurship, career advancement, financial independence, relationship building & networking, personal branding and the fulfillment of their dreams & aspirations.

In less than 3 months of its founding, WomanRising is fast becoming a reliable resource for daily inspiration from women all over Ghana, Africa and other parts of the World. With a current following of over 4000 women on several online and offline platforms; WomanRising is positioned to achieve its 5-year goals of reaching 100,000 women with access to relevant & useful information; building the capacity of 10,000 women, enhancing the personal brands and promoting productive networking of 5000 women, directly supporting 1000 women entrepreneurs and daringly raising 100 women millionaires in Africa to invest in Africa and particularly in women owned Businesses.

The Founder of TANOE & WomanRising; Ekow Mensah is overly passionate about the advancement of women and the provision of initiatives that promote equal economic, personal and social rights for women. He is very positive that WomanRising will grow into a sustainable support system powered by a caring community of women and men passionate about supporting each other to succeed in chosen careers, businesses and life in general.

Kofi Annan; a past UN Secretary General once said; “…there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women and that there is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole – women and men alike – than the one which involves women as central players. TANOE strongly believes that the setting up of WomanRising is a step in the right direction and looks forward to the support of various stakeholders and to collaborate with already existing women-focused organizations to massively and sustainably provide the support needed to enable women to truly and unrestrictedly rise and succeed in life.

Come join us Launch WomanRising on Saturday the 3rd of October at 3pm at the UDS Guest House adjacent the Police Headquarters, Accra, Ghana. Come early to support and patronize the products and services of exhibitors during the pre-launch exhibitions dubbed WRshopaholic.

Women are powerful by themselves but together they are unstoppable. Come join us make a difference and equip women to succeed.

WomanRising Contact Details

TANOEHub, Dansoman
opposite Krisview Hotel,
Accra, Ghana
Telephone Numbers
0540-224099, 0277-378876, 0261704882


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Get on with it already!

Ekow Mensah & Associates

You’ve got a calling, answer it. You’ve got something you are passionate about pursue it. You’ve got a dream, chase it. Enough with the excuses already! Tomorrow is not promised. Today is all we’ve all got to make a difference.

It’s easier said than done Ekow…I’ve heard many people say that to me but honestly honey, it’s your fear talking. You can’t harbour faith and fear at the same time; you’ve got only one life to live and it’s not a dress rehearsal. This is it; no second chances.

With God, all things are possible you say but you keep holding back with the chorus; God’s time is the best or at the right time or when I have enough money or when I get married or when my children are done with school or when am done with school or… (fill in with your excuse).

It’s not about the big move but the consistent little moves towards what you desire for your life. You want to touch lives; start with one life. You want to start a business; start with a hobby. You want to start foundation; start volunteering in other similar foundations. You want to be wealthy; start learning prudent financial management, You want to get famous; start being known for something relevant. You want to be heard; start a blog. You want to write books; start with an article.


#EMANDA #IgnitingDreams #AhappyPeople #WomanRising #EMONE


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WomanRising Launch & Exhibitions

WomanRisingIn pursuit of building a sustainable and productive support system for women to succeed in life, business and relationships. Come join us on Saturday; the 3rd of October to Launch WomanRising; a community of women passionate about building a legacy for generations and supporting each other to succeed.

We are inviting exhibitors for the all day WomanRising exhibitions. Call 0277378876 or 0245797055 for a spot.#WomanRising

Contact WomanRising on:





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Stop tiptoeing through life…!

Ekow Mensah QuotesStop tiptoeing through life; quietly and unnoticed. You have only one life to live but many generations to impact. Let your footsteps be loud and deep enough to leave footprints for generations to follow.

#EkowMensah #IgnitingDreams #EmpoweringQuotes


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…Lord, please hear our groaning!

Ghana Power Crisis Today I had a heart breaking meeting with a client of The SME Hospital, a CEO of a once thriving business in Ghana. I listened intently as she lamented on all the problems the power outage is causing her business and how sales have plummeted by more than 70% this year. She felt helpless and at the verge of giving up. I thank God I was able to put a smile back on her face and give her some hope to hold to regardless, but inside I was in pain as I knew the devastating effect of the power crisis even to my business and the many others I coach and support.

It feels as though Ghana is suffering from a terminal disease and no one seems to have the cure especially those in power. My fear is that even if there is ever a change in government, the damage caused will be so overwhelming that repair will be near impossible; at least not in the interim. How can we live in a palace and suffer like slaves? How can we be so blessed with vast resources yet be so deprived of the basic amenities of life? How can we be hearing such outrageous figures daily and yet have none in our pockets? Ghana is indeed unwell with no cure in sight!!!

As positive as I will like to be and stay, I must admit that indeed, what is said in Proverbs 29:2 is nothing but the truth. Ghanaians are truly groaning. The pain, frustrations and suffering are unbearable indeed. Lord help us!


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…The genesis of #Girl360

Aisha AddoI had the privilege of meeting the Founder and Mentor of the Canadian based NGO Power To Girls Foundation Aisha Addo. I was blown away by her energy, wisdom, ideas, personality and most importantly her passion for girl empowerment. I enjoyed every minute of our 2-hour conversation and eventually we (GirlEmpowered) agreed to pursue a Leadership & Empowerment Project together dubbed #Girl360. This will be an annual program aimed at educating, mentoring, supporting and challenging teenage girls to be leaders and change makers in their schools and communities. The most outstanding #Girl360 ambassador will have the opportunity to have an international internship program with Aisha and the entire Power to Girls team in Canada. Honestly, I am already jealous of the to be ‘winner’ because one day with Aisha will change your life, how much more 2 solid weeks. Well, thank you Aisha for making time to come see me, I loved your company to bits! Looking forward to the press launch of #Girl360 next week. Till then, stay invigorating! #girlempowered #Girl360 #smartgirlsnetwork

For more information on #Girl360, stay connected here or here


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One Week Celebration in Memory of Dr. Myles Munroe

Myles MunroeHello followers, admirers and sympathizers of Dr. Myles Munroe, you are all humbly invited to the one week celebration of his life, work, impact and legacy at AJs Lounge near Gimpa, Accra on Sunday. 16th November, 2014 at 3pm. For directions and involvement in planning, call me on 0261704882 or inbox me. Come share your experiences and the impact that Dr. Myles Munroe has had on your life and work. We will be streaming the event live on the internet and will be joined by sympathizers all over the world. Join us here


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Sanitize Your Life

Sanitize Your Life – Follow us @EkowMensahOne

Today was declared a National Sanitation Day by the AMA and a call was made on all citizens to put in an extra effort to rid their homes and communities of filth. I am not sure how many responded to the call but I hope you will respond to this call that the #EMONE team is making on this day the 1st of November, 2014 for you to SANITIZE YOUR LIFE!

This is in no way saying your life is filthy but we’re asking you to get rid of things that easily entangle you and prevent you from moving forward. We are asking you to get rid yourself of the negative and parasitic people who undermine your potential and keep taking from you without giving anything back. Get rid of the thoughts that lower your self-esteem and the activities that waste your time. Get rid of the habits that can wreck your future and destroy your relationships. Get rid of job that frustrates you, of the partner that brings you pain, of the worries that makes you sick. Essentially, we are asking you to free yourself of everything that makes you function lower than your capacity, sad rather than happy and heavy rather than light.

The #EMONE team is asking you to rid yourself of everything you don’t need and bless others with them; like cloths, books, toys and even money. It is never too late to SANITIZE YOUR LIFE and never too early to start now. Let the month of November be the remarkable month that you made the extra effort to be lighter, be happier, be passionate, be kind and be CLEAN… that is be Calm no matter the situation, Lovely no matter where you find yourself, Empathetic no matter is who affected, Assertive no matter the intimidation and Natural no matter the influence. #Sanitizeyourlife. #emone Follow our Campaign @EkowMensahOne and Like our Page


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