Tag Archives: Africa4her

Official Launch of WomanRising

WomanRisingThe African Network of Entrepreneurs (TANOE); a social enterprise headquartered in Ghana is proud to announce the Official Launch of its flagship Project; WomanRising scheduled to come off on Saturday, the 3rd of October, 2015 at 3pm at the UDS Guest House adjacent the Police Headquarters, Accra, Ghana. The Launch will be preceded by an Exhibition of businesses, products and services by some members of WomanRising from 9am at the same venue stated above.

After 6 years of its existence and over 10,000 people impacted through its programs and initiatives with less than 25% being women; TANOE has found it needful to focus more attention on the development and advancement of women especially women entrepreneurs and upwardly-mobile professional women. By the establishment of WomanRising; TANOE seeks to provide personalized and result-oriented support and solutions to women in their pursuit of entrepreneurship, career advancement, financial independence, relationship building & networking, personal branding and the fulfillment of their dreams & aspirations.

In less than 3 months of its founding, WomanRising is fast becoming a reliable resource for daily inspiration from women all over Ghana, Africa and other parts of the World. With a current following of over 4000 women on several online and offline platforms; WomanRising is positioned to achieve its 5-year goals of reaching 100,000 women with access to relevant & useful information; building the capacity of 10,000 women, enhancing the personal brands and promoting productive networking of 5000 women, directly supporting 1000 women entrepreneurs and daringly raising 100 women millionaires in Africa to invest in Africa and particularly in women owned Businesses.

The Founder of TANOE & WomanRising; Ekow Mensah is overly passionate about the advancement of women and the provision of initiatives that promote equal economic, personal and social rights for women. He is very positive that WomanRising will grow into a sustainable support system powered by a caring community of women and men passionate about supporting each other to succeed in chosen careers, businesses and life in general.

Kofi Annan; a past UN Secretary General once said; “…there is no tool for development more effective than the empowerment of women and that there is no development strategy more beneficial to society as a whole – women and men alike – than the one which involves women as central players. TANOE strongly believes that the setting up of WomanRising is a step in the right direction and looks forward to the support of various stakeholders and to collaborate with already existing women-focused organizations to massively and sustainably provide the support needed to enable women to truly and unrestrictedly rise and succeed in life.

Come join us Launch WomanRising on Saturday the 3rd of October at 3pm at the UDS Guest House adjacent the Police Headquarters, Accra, Ghana. Come early to support and patronize the products and services of exhibitors during the pre-launch exhibitions dubbed WRshopaholic.

Women are powerful by themselves but together they are unstoppable. Come join us make a difference and equip women to succeed.

WomanRising Contact Details

TANOEHub, Dansoman
opposite Krisview Hotel,
Accra, Ghana
Telephone Numbers
0540-224099, 0277-378876, 0261704882


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WomanRising Launch & Exhibitions

WomanRisingIn pursuit of building a sustainable and productive support system for women to succeed in life, business and relationships. Come join us on Saturday; the 3rd of October to Launch WomanRising; a community of women passionate about building a legacy for generations and supporting each other to succeed.

We are inviting exhibitors for the all day WomanRising exhibitions. Call 0277378876 or 0245797055 for a spot.#WomanRising

Contact WomanRising on:





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