Tag Archives: Dreams


It’s OK to give up…!

Ekow Mensah QuotesSometimes the pursuit of your dreams gets so tough that giving up seems like the only way out. It’s ok to give up as long as it’s giving up on trying to give up! If giving up is easy; then it shouldn’t be difficult giving up on your tendency to give up! You have come this far, just give up on stopping…take the next step; you will succeed!

#EkowMensah #IgnitingDreams #EmpoweringQuotes



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My whys & hows this morning…inspired by an African Pride; Penelope Bartels-Sam

Sheila Bartels-SamWhy do we give up? Why do we fail to focus on a thing until it succeeds? Why do we easily look at others and their achievements and instead of getting inspired, allow ourselves to be intimidated, overwhelmed or feel inadequate. Why do we look down on ourselves, why do we think we don’t have what it takes to fulfill our goals, dreams and aspirations? Why do we lack faith in God and in His ability to bring us to an expected end?

Friends, how do we make 2015 a year of overwhelming achievement? How do we hold on even when there seems to be nothing to hold on to? How do get up, dust ourselves off our failures and keep moving when all strength is gone. How to overcome the betrayal of loved ones and the abandonment of people who seemed loyal to our vision? How do we manage when motivation is low and funds are absent? How do we keep moving when our feet seem stuck? How do we hold on to an idea whose time seems no where in sight or a business that seem to be stunted in its growth? How do take on the world when we are still battling unkind and frustrating economic, infrastructure and basic amenities challenges?

Indeed, my whys and hows are unending but in the midst of all that, one woman; a friend, a big sister and a ‘shadow but effective mentor’ of mine seem to answer all my baffling questions with her courage, persistence, consistency, focus, determination, huge vision, patience, belief, faith and big heartwarming smiles. Penelope Sheila Bartels-Sam is woman who seems not to have any worry or frustration in the world because of the pleasant personality she carries and the warm smiles she shares with anyone who encounters her. Behind her smiles, is a woman who is determined to put Ghana & Africa on the world economic map with her business Incharge Global ( and the life transforming innovations she is pioneering and bringing to reality despite all the overwhelming challenges she faces daily, sometimes hourly. What better name would she have settled on for one innovation that is defying all odds in loyalty & collections business than the most inspiring phrase in the world “iCan”!

Indeed, in a time when faith in dreams seems to dwindle at a tough speed and giving up seem a better option in these extremely challenging seasons, we are truly blessed with role models like Penelope S. Bartels- Sam, who hold the torch and lead the way for many of us to follow. My admiration for you knows no bounds and I have no doubt that someday, my association with you will make me a valuable asset to those who would want to gain direct access to an African Woman Billionaire like you.

Penelope, I am and will forever remain your greatest fan, admirer, supporter and ‘mentee’ and I have no doubt that very soon, you will be one of Ghana’s greatest entrepreneurs and Africa’s biggest pride.  Keep going; see me o; as if you will stop even if you wanted to…lol. May God bring you to the place of total accomplishment and fulfillment in accordance with His divine Will and Purpose for your life for His Glory.

Thank you for paving the way, leading the way & staying the course! God richly bless you.

By me: Ekow Mensah; your darling, handsome & passionate young man…lol


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The Life Restart Button!

ekowmensahSometimes we hope we could just press a restart button and our lives will start all over again forgetting that it will not prevent us from making same mistakes or facing similar challenges as we are now. If we are not taking time to figure out what we are doing or saying now that is bringing us constantly to this sometimes depressing and challenging periods in our lives, not even a restart or a reset button can help make anything different.

Most challenges we face and mistakes we make in life are supposed to mould us into the person that we desire to be but when we keep changing lanes, running, avoiding, regretting, feeling sorry for ourselves, being depressed, being vindictive, blaming everyone and everything and doing all sort of things except learning, trying again and having faith; we simply waste our lives, dreams, time and belittle our God and His gifts in us.

Failing to realize that each day we sleep and wake up is a ‘restart’ opportunity given us to do it better, go a bit farther, love a bit more, learn something new, correct our mistakes, restore our relationships, smile a little more, build on our dreams and have a faith; is failing to see that in life is truly full of many restarts buttons. Today; your restart button has just been pressed, start your life all over again but with the knowledge of your past and a hope for an amazing today and a better tomorrow!

Go in the direction of your dreams! #restartbutton #ekowmensah


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Quotes by Ekow Mensah

When the enormity of your assignment on earth dawns on you, sleep becomes a privilege and not a necessity!


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GhanaGives – Raising Funds to Support Young Social Entrepreneurs in Ghana

Having a Good Heart and a Passion to do ‘something’ to positively affect the lives of many and to give hope to the less privileged is not easy. It’s even harder when you are young and you are ‘forced’ to abandon your passion in order to work to survive.

Many young social entrepreneurs in Ghana are struggling daily to live their dreams and to support humanity the best way possible despite the lack of assistance and the intense presence of heartbreaking challenges. Indeed, being a ‘full time’ young social entrepreneur is nearly impossible despite the priceless contribution they make in wiping the tears of the underprivileged and making life better for the abandoned.

GhanaGives is an initiative of CAYSEP… to raise funds to support social entrepreneurs and humanitarian projects especially by the youth in Ghana. CAYSEP seeks by this initiative to bring hope to those who give hope to many daily and to make it easier for especially young people to concentrate on making Ghana and the world at large a better place to live in.

Support GhanaGives today by making a kind donation of any amount or send to us something you hardly use anymore which can bring a smile to someone today. Call 0203-918142 or send an email to to express your interest.

Thank you for your support and stay blessed!



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Riddle…Who am I?

My need for attention is insatiable but your constant neglect is unbelievable. When you pay attention to me, you feel on top of the world and when you work me out with all your might, you feel truly fulfilled. Though I am sometimes very much misunderstood and ‘kicked’ against, my treasure is found when you hold on to me longer than you will normally want to. Dumping me is easy but mostly you feel empty when all is said and done. Many talk a lot about me but very few do anything to me. The bigger I am the better for you because I have the power to take you places you’ve never imagined…who am I?


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