Tag Archives: Passion

Watch your words!

ekow mensahWe mostly underestimate the power of our words. I never thought that after all my years of empowering, motivating, training and supporting people to pursue their dreams, there will ever come a day like this; the day that i stand accused of looking down on someone and downplaying his entrepreneurial aspirations and ideas. This apparently happened some 5 years ago when he met me and 5 years later he still bares that grudge and can’t w
ait for me to see how successful he has become. To God be the glory for your success my brother and I do apologize if indeed, in some way, I am guilty of the accusation. I am happy for you and it’s my prayer that you go global with your business. In some way, I still kept you motivated and challenged if you take a critical look at it, call it “reverse motivation”. All the same, let’s watch what we say to people who in someway look up to us, admire us and respect us. One careless word or misread action can crush and destroy someone’s future, hopes, aspirations and dreams. Let’s be each other’s keeper and love unconditionally.#lifelessons #ekowmensah 


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GhanaGives – Raising Funds to Support Young Social Entrepreneurs in Ghana

Having a Good Heart and a Passion to do ‘something’ to positively affect the lives of many and to give hope to the less privileged is not easy. It’s even harder when you are young and you are ‘forced’ to abandon your passion in order to work to survive.

Many young social entrepreneurs in Ghana are struggling daily to live their dreams and to support humanity the best way possible despite the lack of assistance and the intense presence of heartbreaking challenges. Indeed, being a ‘full time’ young social entrepreneur is nearly impossible despite the priceless contribution they make in wiping the tears of the underprivileged and making life better for the abandoned.

GhanaGives is an initiative of CAYSEP… to raise funds to support social entrepreneurs and humanitarian projects especially by the youth in Ghana. CAYSEP seeks by this initiative to bring hope to those who give hope to many daily and to make it easier for especially young people to concentrate on making Ghana and the world at large a better place to live in.

Support GhanaGives today by making a kind donation of any amount or send to us something you hardly use anymore which can bring a smile to someone today. Call 0203-918142 or send an email to to express your interest.

Thank you for your support and stay blessed!



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Riddle…Who am I?

My need for attention is insatiable but your constant neglect is unbelievable. When you pay attention to me, you feel on top of the world and when you work me out with all your might, you feel truly fulfilled. Though I am sometimes very much misunderstood and ‘kicked’ against, my treasure is found when you hold on to me longer than you will normally want to. Dumping me is easy but mostly you feel empty when all is said and done. Many talk a lot about me but very few do anything to me. The bigger I am the better for you because I have the power to take you places you’ve never imagined…who am I?


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