Tag Archives: reset

The Life Restart Button!

ekowmensahSometimes we hope we could just press a restart button and our lives will start all over again forgetting that it will not prevent us from making same mistakes or facing similar challenges as we are now. If we are not taking time to figure out what we are doing or saying now that is bringing us constantly to this sometimes depressing and challenging periods in our lives, not even a restart or a reset button can help make anything different.

Most challenges we face and mistakes we make in life are supposed to mould us into the person that we desire to be but when we keep changing lanes, running, avoiding, regretting, feeling sorry for ourselves, being depressed, being vindictive, blaming everyone and everything and doing all sort of things except learning, trying again and having faith; we simply waste our lives, dreams, time and belittle our God and His gifts in us.

Failing to realize that each day we sleep and wake up is a ‘restart’ opportunity given us to do it better, go a bit farther, love a bit more, learn something new, correct our mistakes, restore our relationships, smile a little more, build on our dreams and have a faith; is failing to see that in life is truly full of many restarts buttons. Today; your restart button has just been pressed, start your life all over again but with the knowledge of your past and a hope for an amazing today and a better tomorrow!

Go in the direction of your dreams! #restartbutton #ekowmensah


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