Tag Archives: Success


It’s OK to give up…!

Ekow Mensah QuotesSometimes the pursuit of your dreams gets so tough that giving up seems like the only way out. It’s ok to give up as long as it’s giving up on trying to give up! If giving up is easy; then it shouldn’t be difficult giving up on your tendency to give up! You have come this far, just give up on stopping…take the next step; you will succeed!

#EkowMensah #IgnitingDreams #EmpoweringQuotes



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The 7 Cities of Successful Living

Bishop Gideon Titi OfeiToday, I had an empowering time listening to Bishop Gideon Titi-Ofei on the Effective Living segment of the Citi 97.3 FM Morning Show. He spoke about the 7 Cities of Successful Living and oh my, how powerful his submissions where. Below is the list of the 7 Cities of Successful Living:
1. Authenticity
2. Tenacity
3. Audacity
4. Simplicity
5. Capacity
6. Publicity and
7. Velocity
Sadly, I was driving so couldn’t jot down the details, so anyone who listened should please share with me some details under the ‘cities’ mentioned above. If anyone also has a direct contact to Bishop Titi Ofei, please share it with me. It will be an honour to meet him one of these days.

So there you have it, the 7 Cities of Successful Living, practice them and be successful. In conclusion, He said, the ultimate is to know God and walk in His ways and you will be successful in life. Thank you Bishop. God Bless You Richly. I wish you all a fruitful Friday! #KeepPushing #Emone


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