Tag Archives: words

Watch your words!

ekow mensahWe mostly underestimate the power of our words. I never thought that after all my years of empowering, motivating, training and supporting people to pursue their dreams, there will ever come a day like this; the day that i stand accused of looking down on someone and downplaying his entrepreneurial aspirations and ideas. This apparently happened some 5 years ago when he met me and 5 years later he still bares that grudge and can’t w
ait for me to see how successful he has become. To God be the glory for your success my brother and I do apologize if indeed, in some way, I am guilty of the accusation. I am happy for you and it’s my prayer that you go global with your business. In some way, I still kept you motivated and challenged if you take a critical look at it, call it “reverse motivation”. All the same, let’s watch what we say to people who in someway look up to us, admire us and respect us. One careless word or misread action can crush and destroy someone’s future, hopes, aspirations and dreams. Let’s be each other’s keeper and love unconditionally.#lifelessons #ekowmensah 


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